Friday, April 15, 2016

The Smoke & Mirrors Of The O.J. Simpson Trial

With the conclusion of cable’s most watched new show of 2016, FX’s The People v. O.J. Simpson:  American Crime Story, one is lead to wonder what was this case truly about? 

Most would think it stemmed from a racially driven force and the hundreds of years of deception amongst the African American community.  After all, from their ancestors being raped, beaten and unjustly accused of behaviors and crimes that were driven by hatred, bias and prejudices, one would not find this logic difficult to grasp and maybe even quite logical.  

The fact of the matter is, these heinous crimes were not ingrained into American history due to any of this. These are just smoke and mirrors.  It has caused the majority to overlook what is happening more often in this day and time.

Was this what the OJ Simpson case was about? Or was it possibly driven by the fact that an African American made it to the very top through playing the sport in which he loved?

Some say that the narrative was jealousy of a man who had an opportunity to live the life that over 90% of the country will never get to experience.

Hollywood mega star Will Smith couldn't have said it better in an interview in February 2016 when he spoke to the fact that these criminal behaviors are used to increase the viewership for networks and newspapers.  He further made the point that the internet and social media have been the main reason that the truth behind this story is left hidden in the smoke.

If you go back as recently as 2013, Junior Seau committed suicide due to head injuries.  Mike Webster formally of the 4 time Super Bowl Champions the Pittsburgh Steelers, also committed suicide. The NFL recently paid out nearly a billion dollars in a lawsuit against the NFL Players Association for the many head and trauma cases that were reported.

This isn't just a story.  This is medical science. Dr. Bennet Omaku was a forensic pathologist before taking on the concussion class action law suit against the NFL. Dr. Omaku researched and uncovered each symptom that these players suffered. Whether it was the fatalities of committing suicide or murdering someone or the agonizing psychological & physical symptoms that could drive any normal person to insanity if lasting long enough.

Let’s take a look at the anatomy of the brain and what happens when it enters a concussed state.  When a concussion occurs by a head collision in football, the brain is bruised by an average force of 100 G's, the human brain can only with stand the impact of 16 G's, so to put it into perspective, 100 G's to the head is like being hit by a sledge hammer.  Brain scans show immense pain within the brain. Omaku noted that it is as if the brain is being strangled from the inside out.

You must remember that the brain is immersed in fluid only.  This is why the damage is so severe and nearly not treatable if it happens repeatedly.

There is no other way that anyone could explain the excessive deranged behaviors all these players have in common. You don't see this in the NBA, so take a moment to digest the difference within the two leagues. One takes shots to the brain and the other one does not. The NFL domestic violence and suicide rate is mirrored by only wrestling. These facts do not take a scientist to figure out. 

The diagnosis that Dr. Omaku named as CTE, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy did not even have a name when the OJ case was undergoing. The disease is an Alzheimers-like disease. The protein-like sugar kills the cells that are associated with mood and emotions. So, it literally reduces the victim to not having a defense mechanism against their own moods or emotions.

The repeated blows taken by even a rugby player, an offensive lineman or a quarterback could result in a lifetime of uncertainty when it comes to emotional swings, bipolar or deranged behavior. These kind of blows to anyone’s head causes a skeletal breakdown of proteins in the brain called TAU. This is such a powerful condition that it mirrors many of the symptoms of dementia.

 Now after hearing a fact of this nature, what human being can withstand the symptoms that follow these type of physics? 

There is no excuse for a man to not search for help when feeling these symptoms.  Hiding behind the spotlights does not eliminate the issues at hand. O. J. Simpson is a sick man.  Whether he was found guilty or not, he should have been the first player to offer himself up for study. If not for himself, for the sake of future players, and to prevent wives and families distress from this physically induced condition.

The evidence is clear as a bell. He sits in a prison today locked away for kidnapping.  This was a decorated TV celebrity who just happened to be a superstar running back.

To overlook the atrocious behavior on all scales by this man would be asinine.  The fact that he allowed himself to be in society with all of the signs of being deranged, says enough about who he truly cared about. Selfish behavior will drive many of us to points of no return.
O.J. Simpson had time to return after being acquitted.  Seems like he took more time to expose who he truly had become. Irresponsible behavioral patterns are resolute in this case.

This makes the case come back to the surface more than the TV series that has stirred up the conversation of the most viewed case in US history. But now it has opened a new case.

So it is safe to say that this story isn't over by a long shot.  O.J. Simpson's case is becoming more apparent in today's NFL as similar stories are mounting monthly.  Only time will reveal if the smoke will clear.

MB Sports Media
Bradley Allison

Committed to providing you thought provoking media.

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